Friday, February 1, 2008

Rave reviews for RED WEDDING

I entered my novel-in-progress, Red Wedding, in literary agent Nathan Bransford's The Surprisingly Essential First Page Challenge.

He asked for writers to post on his blog the first 500 words of their novel, and offered to read them, pick winners, and give out various fun prizes.

Other bloggers started critiquing the entries and posting reviews on their own blogs. I found a couple of reviews for my novel:

OxyJen says:

"402. Red Wedding - That's one of the most awesome opening lines I've ever read. Brilliant! The rest of the piece has wonderful imagery and descriptions, too. I'm a little worried about the lack of a conflict or dilemma, but the storm seems to be foreshadowing disaster, and your writing voice is so engaging, that I would definitely read on. I really liked this!"

Chro says:

"82. David Wisehart - Red Wedding

Another good example of escalating conflict. Wedding + storm + isolation + chance of power failing = interest and empathy. I also like the little hints of issues yet to come -- like her father not being there. Not my usual taste in novels, but I'd read on."

Needless to say, I'm pleased with the response so far!


Wedding Cakes said...

Your blog is really great. I get some ideas for my wedding.

Wedding Cakes said...

It is great to read some of the information and feedback, here. I hope to read more ideas in the future!!!